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Bobby Harvey Jr.'s future with M.MinePlay in Jeopardy

Fighter profile of Bobby Harvey Jr by

 As Bobby Harvey Jr. Is not fighting well and losing, his future with Manager MinePlay is in jeopardy. He had a talk with the manager about his fight game today and here is the conversation.


MinePlay5132: "Bobby, with the way you are fighting, we may sack you."

Bobby: "Well maybe I am not in my game."

MinePlay5132: "When you fight, follow the gameplan."

Bobby: "I understand. I will try.

MinePlay5132: " Don't try to risk yourself."

Bobby: "OK, I will see if it works."

MinePlay5132: "We will see you in a week or 2."


Bobby also has to work in and train 24/7. A meeting will take place in a couple of days after the other news came in.


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