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Event Preview: NYFN Tournament : FINAL
NY Fight Nights
2018-04-01, New York, Hayashi's Lounge - New York
Author:James Isaac Abraham


It’s been 5 months since the NYFN owner Bjorn O’Donnel came up with the ultimate creation tourney ever. A tournament where the legends battle other legends, and when I say legends, I mean top 10 (current or former) managers in MMATycoon! Now how big is that? You gotta answer your own question there mate!

Despite this amazing journey, we have now come to the end of the road. The match where it matters most.


They’ve got about a week to train and a lot could still change. A winner today might go home a loser in April 1.


Will Marky Mark call it quits with 2-2 or will David Brent make a statement with 3-1


Sadly, with a victor comes a loser and the end to this awesome tournament. A tournament which will surely be remembered.


Read full preview here: http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=60047&page=18#entry854363



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