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Rio's Newest Fight Org - GAFF: Rio

GAFF (340k+), Fight Organization, Rio de Janeiro
Company profile by Yamashita Craven

 Today (July 17, 2018) a new era in Rio de Jenerio fighting has begun. The next big fighting orginazation, GAFF: Rio - has been created, and is ready to take Brazil, as well as the world of MMA fighting, by storm.

The orginization's title, GAFF, stands for the company's mission. "Global Association of Fair Fights." 

GAFF was created upon the premise that no matter what level a fighter is at in his career, he should be able to fight an equal opponent. Of course there is always an underdog in any fight - but at GAFF, you will never have to worry about your new fighter being put up against a 14-0 stud who is seven years older, and holds the orginization's title belt in three different weight divisions.

Similarly, you won't have to worry about your 14-8 vetran being put up against a  30-4 champion who has higher skills than your own. 

At GAFF, all fighters can expect frequent and fair fight offers, and the opportunity to begin their career - as well as to take it to the next level.


Want to be apart of the next great thing in MMA Tycoon? Been thinking about creating a couple of new fighters? Looking for a contract?

Consider GAFF in Rio de Jenerio - you won't regret it!


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