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Dale Saw's Rant

Ultimate Pit Fighting (345K+), Fight Organization, New York
Company profile by Dale Saw

Hey everyone, My name is Dale Saw and I've been playing this game for over six years now and have a fairly decent understanding of the game. And, I have noticed that the paper (Tycoon Times, which you are reading now) doesn't seem to have the pa'zazz that it once had. I mean a new one was issued almost every other day. Now I've been waiting for like almost two weeks for a new paper. I like the paper and actually read it. Which I don't think most do. But can this be changed? I think so.... What if when you first login to your account the paper auto pops up in a new window or tab? Therefore making way more views and quite a few people would actually read an article or two that would not normally ever even open the paper. Sure it would take an extra second from your day. But, let's face it, it's just a second if you don't want to read it click the "x" and close the window and it would be just like it is now. And what's the deal with these gyms? You can't get a quality gym for just training physicals at a decent rate. There should be a gym in every city that is affordable for brand new fighters to start off with their physicals before they are ready to start their sparring. Today we see $800 a week with no physicals and no decent sparring as the lowest in a few cities. And why do all the clothing prices have to be set at $300?!? I understand you wanna make money, but save the high prices for custom work. And speaking of custom work, where are all the clothing companies that make custom designs? Almost everyone did a few years ago. But now you gotta ask if they do custom work and most do not. Granted, their busy people and do not have the time to do custom work but still... And that's all the ranting I'm going to do today...


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