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Jag Battle League: Gladitorius Maximus III

Editorial by Dusty Elephant

JAG Battle League is proud to present:  Gladitorius Maximus III

Arnoldas Sireika v Brutus Maximus 185lb. TITLE!
Tiago Alexandre v Julio Cesar Sitsongrit 155lb. TITLE!
Brayden Point v Unai Vencedor 145lb. TITLE!

Hi fight fans, Ebay here and it's great to be back for another fantastic night of fighting at JAG. This evening we have 3, that's right, not 1 or 2 but 3! Title fights on hand plus many other interesting fights featuring the up and coming class of JAG Battle League! Our first fight features 2 fan favourites for the 185lb. title. The champ, Arnoldas Sireika is taking on the challenger Brutus Maximus who was the number 1 contender in the 205 class before he decided to drop weight and challenged Tiago personally. This should be a great fight.

Ebay- Hi Arnoldas, it's great to see you again. You are an impressive 7-0 and you've dominated your division for some time now with 3 title defenses but this time out you're facing a hard-hitting and dangerous fighter in Brutus Maximus. None of your past oppnents possesed the striking skill of this fighter, how do think your fighting skills will match up to his?

Arnoldas- If he had any skills he wouldn't have dropped down to avoid the 205lbs champ.

Ebay- Ouch that's harsh. I've seen him fight and he may not have skills but he definitely has hard fists. You're 7-0 and 1 of JAG's top fighters if not THE top fighter and yes, I'm including Thay Budo in this conversation. You have 3 title defenses and you are untouched. Yet, you have fighters changing weight just to fight you while running from Thay. Why do you suppose that you don't get the same respect as Thay Budo? Is it a prejudice towards your fighting style?

Arnoldas- Nah, they're just idiots.

Ebay- Right. So, is there anything you'd like to say to your opponent or fans before this Saturday's big event?

Arnoldas- not really

Ebay- Well, as always it's been great speaking with you Arnoldas. It's hard to get a word in with you around but I am a profesional so I manage.
*Bang, boom, bam* Hey waht the....? Keep it down out there I'm trying to do an interview here!

Brutus- Get out of my way! Sorry Ebay, your punk ass security were trying to feel me up. Who the hell is that little puppet champ talking about? Eh? Me? Brutus Maximus? I have no skills? Are you blind man? I destroy people. I permantly disfigure fighters who were already ugly.

If you don't mind Ebay, I'll just take the interview from here. Why did I decide to cut weight and challenge Arnoldas Sireika? I'll tell you why.  Because I'M SMART! That's why! I was up to face Thay Budo who is just like me except bigger and more experienced. I was always a small 205 and I think 185 is my perfect weight.

And I saw you there, now don't get me wrong, I think you're a great fighter. You've shown that repeatedly but one thing I noticed was your opponents. You've never fought a real striker before. Your chin has never been properly tested. I cut weight to fight you because I want to know if you can take a shot. You've got skill but can you fight a person who hits you first?

I'm cut weight so I'm faster and I've imoroved my strength and conditioning. I'm in the best shape of my life for this fight and that's what it's going to be friend. A FIGHT! Are you ready for it?

I'm out Ebay. Great interview as always. Just send me the bill for your door.

Ebay- No Problem Brutus. Bill is in the mail. Don't let it happen again. Forget about it. Alright JAGsters, this event isn't slowing down at all as it's a no holds barred event and interview this time 'round as the momentum around here his picking up along with the level of fighting we're seeing so the interviews hopefully, will do the same. Now, we bring up mu old friend and 155lb., 4 time defending champ, Tiago Alexandre!

Hi Tiago and welcome back to JAG interviews which by the way, I'm officially changing the name of the program due to the increased popularity of the program and the growth of the Org. JAG interviews will now be called "JagWars"
So, let me restart, Hi Tiago and welcome to JagWars! Where we meet all the great stars of the JAG organization.

Let's get straight to the point shall we? My first question for you is the same one I had for Arnoldas, Hi Arnoldas, it's great to see you again. You are an impressive 7-0 and you've dominated your division for some time now with 4 title defenses but this time out you're facing an exceptional wrestler and strong up and comer in Julio Cesar Sitsongrit. None of your past oppnents possessed wrestling skills greater than your own. How do think you match up with him?

Tiago- Well, I heard he was the only one who did not refuse to fight me in both the 155 and 170 divisions so respect to him for taking the fight and "boohooo! you crying pussies" for all the other guys. As for the fight, I'm sure it will end with a submission win for me. Which round will depend on my opponents tactics.

Ebay- Moving on with the same line of questioning as before because you're both in identical postions. You're 7-0 and 1 of JAG's top fighters if not THE top fighter and yes, I'm including Thay Budo AND Arnoldas Sireika in this conversation. You have 4 title defenses and you are untouched.  Why do you suppose that you don't get the same respect as Thay Budo? Is it a prejudice towards your fighting style?

Tiago- I am the undisputed #1 p4p JAG fighter. And my buddy Arnoldas will be #2 after this event. Nothing more needs to be said.

Ebay- Point understood Tiago.

Ebay- Hi Julio and welcome to JagWars. It's a pleasure to meet you and I wanted to congratulate you on your rise and early success. However, now you facing the champ and a proven veteran in Tiago, do you feel your up to such a test so early in your career?

Julio- I'm ready you know, I had many underground Vale Tudo fights before I fight QFC. it's not early in my career. I'm a veteran.

Ebay- You're both excellent ground fighters with deadly submissions. What do you think gives you the edge is this fight?

Julio- My muay thai will make the difference. I'll knee him to bolivia.

Ebay- Alright, thank you for your time tonight Julio and good luck this Saturday. Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans or opponent before you go?

Julio- I don't think I have any fans and I don't want to say nothing to my opponent. I want to speak to the POTUS: Bro I follow you on twitter and you liked my tweet one time. My people just elected a fascist for a president. You have to send a little cavalry troop, smash some opposition and restore democracy. I can help. Cheers!

Ebay- Okay Thank you Julio that was great and it was nice to have met you. Now let's move on to our next interview of the night. Hi Brayden and welcome to JagWars. This Saturday you step into cage to defend your new title. How does it feel to be the Champ?

Brayden- I knew I'd be here; not to sound conceited, but I believe in myself and I have all the tools to be the camp for a very long time. I model myself after Justin Gaethje, which kind of goes into your next question--

Ebay- Your oponent is a crafty fighter who will surely want this fight to stay off the ground. Do you think you will have any problems getting him off his feet?

Brayden- I dont think I need to get the fight to the ground, as I am confident in my striking. We both come to bang, both have good chins and pack some power in those shots. This is FOTN candidate even before we're in the cage. As far as whether or not I anticipate problems getting it to the ground? I have numerous ways of taking it to the ground, whether that be takedowns, guard pulls, or takedowns from clinch--they're all available to me. Not going to let you in on too many secrets, but taking it to the ground isn't going to be my number 1 priority in the fight.

Ebay- Do you have anything you'd like to say to either your fans or your opponent?

Brayden- Last thing--a fight is a fight, anything can happen, especially with my opponent's power--he's got those bazookas that can end the fight at any time. We're 12-1 between the two of us, with only loss coming by submission. I have a feeling someone's head is going to be bouncing off the canvas. Hoping it won't be mine.


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