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All Aboard the Hype Train

Editorial by Doc Dannis


Karl "The Savage" Kneeland Jr. has been gaining popularity amongst a certain groupof z-list celebrities.

Following his KO victory against Douglas Alexander, "The Savage" has become somewhat of a hype train

garnishing praises from multiple celebrities.

Karl has just signed with FARTMMA one of the fastest rising companies in the sport and is becoming a very

popular fighter despite the fact he has only fought professionally one time. 

In an online podcast interview Karl revealed that he is taking his training very seriously and hopes to hold the

145 lb belt at FARTMMA soon just as his long time buddy Dajaun Biggums does in the Superheavyweight division.

 Karl Kneeland Jr is a very skilled, motivated, and exciting fighter. Be on the lookout for him in the near future!




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