FARTMMA , Fight Organization, St Petersburg Company profile by FARTMMA (340K) is the first org in the bracket and the undisputed best 340k org in the game.
Many people wonder why the name FARTMMA but here is to it's history:
The first part is in honour of the best mentor in the game, the one and only The Fart Master (now known as Grumpy Bastard). Fart Master has been teaching new comers the game for ages, many of his pupils have gone to become #1 managers in the game and his pride and joy Ibrahim Camara is a perfect example of tough, knowledgeable and friendly.
The second part is in honour of decade long GAMMA organization and his owner the great Guru Mentor Corleone, another icon of the game Mentor has contibuted so much to this great game and FARTMMA hopes to have the same longevity as GAMMA.
Just recently FARTMMA took on Underground on an org vs org event and went 8-1. These type of events have not been seen in ages and the top 2 orgs in the bracket are showing the rest of the game how collaboration, friendship and fair play can take this game to the next level.
And there you have it folks, a brief history on FARTMMA.
by Ibrahim Camara
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