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Managers and Fighters interviews

Profile of Tian Rongyu by Kendo Nagasaki

Manager/fighter Interviews.

Well here i am today fresh from an interview with Hei Long King, manager with Underground Fights Ent and owner of the Underground Specialist Academy in Amsterdam and King "Hall of Fame" Kong who in just five fights has secured two titles and defended them both successfully.

They have of both kindly taken time out of their busy schedule to grant me this interview.

Rather than meet in a noisy gym we have instead agreed to meet at Langer's a little Deli on Alvarado street. I am my usual fifteen minutes early but to my pleasant surprise only have to wait ten minutes for my guests to arrive. When we have all placed our orders.

We settle and start to chat.

Thanks for being here well lets get down to the questions the fans are all eager to hear what you have to say.

Kendo: What brought you here ? What made you become a Manager/fighter in MMA

Hei: I have always been interested in MMA but soon realised i wasn't champion fighter material so the obvious choice was to manage some champion fighters.

Kong: I started some kickboxing when i was younger and soon found out i had a knack for knocking people out and saw this as a chance to make a name for myself and earn a decent living.

Kendo: Do you have any heroes or someone you admire ?

Hei: My parents, they showed me the sense managing fighters as a way to make real money.

Kong: Well my family, my grandparents and my parents they have all shown me by example, how to be.

Kendo: Food and Drink what are you favourites?

Hei: Oh Thai food and Bubble tea.

Kong: When i am in training its all balanced nutrition and suupplements but when not training i eat just abaout anything and everything its great as i dont put the weight on.

Kendo: Whats your favourite music to listen to ? A favourite track/album or solo or band ?

Hei: Just about anything i have quite an eclectic taste in music.

Kong: Has to be Merengue and a little Bachata.

Kendo: hat is your favourite film ?

Hei: Real Steel.

Kong: Anything with Jackie Chan or Samo Hung.

Kendo: Who is your favourite person to watch on tv or film ?

Hei: The Rock i will watch anything with him in it the guy is awesome. (sounds like a possible man crush ?)

Kong: Samo Hung, i was the chubby kid when i was a lot younger but then i grew up.

Kendo: Apart from MMA is there any other sports you have in the past or still participate in ?

Hei: Basketball played it as a kid and only stopped playing recreationally recently.

Kong: Kickboxing it started as a way to lose some puppy fat but as i grew it became something else, a way to pay the bills.

Kendo: What apart from MMA is your favourite sprot to watch ?

Hei: Yeh Basketball.

Kong: Of course MMA but i do love the beach volleyball.

Kendo: Do you have any family ? Girlfriend ? Boyfriend ? Partner ? Brother ? Sister ? Parents ?

Hei: Whoa just a minute there was no mention of family talk,,,my private life is private and will stay that way.

Kendo: Okay ,,okay,, no offence intended. (Hei mumps a bit as he shrugs his shoulders clearly bothered by something)

Kong: My family is quite big and far away and talking about them makes me miss them a little more.

Kendo: Do you have a mantra ? What helps drive you ? Any beliefs ?

Hei: Yep "if it's got to be then it's up to me"

Kong: The only thing that drives me is the rhythm of the Merengue

Kendo: What ambitions do you have ? Where do you see yourself in five or ten years ?

Hei: Well richer and more successfull.

Kong: I suppose one day i will stop collecting belts and titles and then who knows, i might be able to buy a small farm back home.

Kendo: Are there any fighters we should be keeping an eye out for ?

Hei: Mars Sakuraba, he is a bit of a slow learner but he has knockout power and a great set of ground skills.

Kong: Well just me really.

Kendo: Any special announcements for the fans ? Any treats in the pipeline ?

Hei: What with Tev being my mentor i would think that my rise to be one of the very top managers around will be worth watching.

Kong: Again me, i am the one to watch now and will be for a while.

Well thank you for taking time out of your schedule to find time to give me this interview all the best hope to do it again sometime cheers Kendo.

We all shake hands and agree to catch up again with Hei adding he might be busy but he is sure one of his fighters will be able to make an interview if he is given the correct amount of notice, "time is money" he says as they leave the establishment.

This has been Kendo writing for Underground FC Org. Hope you enjoyed reading this latest interview more to follow.


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