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GAMMA: The joke at the old smoke or the wannabee at the Womb

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 Say what you will about how the match came to be, Pablo Maraçon Vs Thomas Bolleke for the middleweight title will be the match to see. Ninth of November, you don’t want to miss. Only one of these two warriors will find victory and bliss. The reigning and defending GAMMA middleweight champion Pablo "El Diablo" Maraçon puts his title on the line against young blood Thomas Bolleke.



To say the champion is the favorite would be a massive understatement. Pablo "El Diablo" Maraçon has been dominating the division. He has held the entire middleweight division hostage for almost an entire year. He stands tall on his golden throne and reigns with an iron fist. His only losses in recent memory were super fights. The Nicaraguan bad boy is known by his peers and the fans as a tough son of a gun, having been finished only once in the steel cage in his entire career. Considering he’s had over fifty fights, that speaks volumes about the toughness of the champion.



Fresh off his first win in the big leagues, Thomas Bolleke is handed the opportunity of a lifetime on a silver platter. With the number one contender unable to pick up his gloves, promotional newcomer Thomas Bolleke gets his trial by fire at the biggest stage of them all. Will his shocking promotional debut - a knockout victory heard around the world - be the preview of an upset of epic proportions or will the challenger fade away under the roaring heart of the champion?



After finding out about this historic fight, we called the challenger who had this to say about the announcement of the fight:


Thomas Bolleke: “I came in with a fist full of dynamite. I crashed through the front gate and pummeled seasoned veteran Beast Boy into a state of living death. Now it’s time to put up or shut up. Am I scared to face the champion so early in my career? Without a doubt. The dude is built like superman, he is the man of steel, the man who can’t be beat. A living legend, if you will. Wanna know the real reason why they are throwing me in the lion’s den? It’s because he’s beaten everyone already. There is no one left standing. He truly is the king of the mountain. That’s why they brought me in, fresh blood to sacrifice. But I know something they don’t know. I was raised in this cage. Throw me to the wolves. I don’t care. I’ve been raised by wolves. The steel cage is my home. Let him throw his best at me. We’ll see who cracks first. His fists or my skull.”



There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Don’t miss Pablo Maraçon Vs Thomas Bolleke, ninth of November at GAMMA#797.


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