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Montréal Community Gym Opening Month

Montreal Community Gym, Gym, Montreal
Company profile by Devon Giguere

Hello everyone,

My dream in opening up this new gym is to offer opportunities to fighters to train at a high-level that beats the quality of the Cozad gyms while offering adorable pricing to those fighters who want more than basic training but don't need/can't afford elite training gyms. The Montréal Community Gym is more about offering opportunities to young fighters to stay off the streets and have something they can be proud of. Here at the Montréal Community Gym community is more important than profit.

This gym will be an mma gym with classes in all four styles. I have one fitness coach right now and two cross-trained trainers in wrestling/bjj and boxing/muay-thai respectively. I will look to expand and add more coaches as I see the need for more coaches.

For our opening week, I will be offering a 50% discount at $250 to sign up and join my gym. On 9 November 2019, the weekly gym costs will be $500.

This is my first gym and I think the beginning will be a lot of learning, but I want to be able to sustain a gym while remaining affordable so the more people to become apart of this community, hopefully, the lower I can keep my prices. Please feel free to reach out to me.

EDITORS NOTE: This gym is doing great after its first month! A solid sparring schedule and space for more members. Still quite affordable as the current weekly price is $250. If you are in Montreal it may be worth your time to check out this Gym!


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