Editorial by Each year MMA Tycoon managers get together to vote on several categories that they feel are worth voting on. From best fighter of a weight class to best writer there are awards for almost everything. This article hopes to inspire you to look through the nominations and place a vote for yourself as well as show you who the leading candidates are in each category!
The update here in the Tycoon Times is more to remind you this is going on. Not a lot of detail will be thrown in here as we do not wish to come off biased here. We will give certain information so you can do investigating for yourself and have your own say in the forums.
Once again, If you find yourself interested in the idea of award nominations or if you want to see if you have been nominated for anything check out this link in the forums! http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showforum=31
Best New Manager 2019
Currently no leading candidate.
Talk of moving the start date for new manager award to November of the previous year, which i support.
If you know of a new manager who you think would be a great candidate,SPEAK UP!
Best Writer of the Year
Alfred Winterbottom & Esiah Xavier
Alfred writes for RISE
Esiah writes for Rapid Fighting Championship
Breakthrough Manager
Mac Little & Ibrahim Camara
Mac is currently ranked as the NO.1 manager by the game with a record of (239-86)
Ibrahim is currently ranked as NO.4 manager with a recrod of (483-190-3)
Best Manager of the Year
There are bunch of names mentioned here. Hard to list the order to be fair.
Alex K., Billy A., Action Jackson, Ibrahim Camara.
There are a ton more awards listed so please check out the forums and good luck to all the candidates!
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