Editorial by This year on Flipping through the Forums we bring to you the Yearly Award Nominations!
Each year, mmatycoon managers get together to literally voice their opinion on who they feel is the best of the best in every single category. Nominations for categories such as Best Manager & Best Writer all the way down to Best specific weight class fighter. If you are interested in checking out the nominations and where you can learn more please click on the following link and voice your opinion! http://www.mmatycoon.com/forums/index.php?showforum=31
The following is a little taste of what the award nominations look like and who is leading the race currently!
Best Manager of the Year
Currently the best manager of the year has several strong candidates. It will take a bit more flushing out till we see one clearly take the lead on this one. Here is a few names you can search: Alex K, Billy A, Action Jackson, and Ibrahim C.
Best Breakthrough Manager
The two front runners here are Mac Little & Ibrahim Camara. Both managers are ranked in the top five in the entire game so it will be definitely interesting to see who takes it.
Best Designer of the Year
I wont actually be able to show you this but if you have seen an event poster you enjoy definitely nominate them. Perhaps the coolest poster i have seen was nominated as the Pride poster and it was a play on the GTA video game. We know all these talented photoshoppers deserve massive credit for their creativity but this is definitely one to keep your eye on!
Best Writer of the Year
Alfred Winterbottom and Esiah Xavier are the two competing for their written articles. Actually both are quite talented and write for good organizations. Alfred, the writer of Rise, while Esiah writes for Rapid City!
If you feel someone should be mentioned here that is not definitely make your voice known in the forums. MMATycoon is a massive place and not everyone will be immdiately recognized. Again there are a bunch of award nominations. Thankyou Monsieur Camara for setting this up for everyone in the Forums!
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