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HFC has Arrived

Merging into HFC, Fight Organization, New York
Company profile by Outlaw Bleak

The HFC is here!


The Hardcore Fighting Championship is here!  We bring a new edge to the same game.     The HFC began when a young businessman bought a struggling fight org called Core.  When Hardman saw Core, he saw potential.  In an effor to rebrand the rebirght of this once stagnant org, Hardman merged a bit of himself with the Core brand to form Hardcore.   Several events were booked and some first time champions to be crowned, but the org was leaderless. Hardman took over, filled the cards, and started building hype around town immeadiately.  The managers are happy, the fighters are being taken care of, and the HFC is thriving.   So I mentioned the HFC brings a new edge to the world of MMA.  In the HFC, we hold weekly cards just like many other orgs.  Where we differ are in a few areas.    Hardcore Events   The HFC proudly prevents, Hardcore Events.   1. First Blood - In the HFC, during a Hardcore event, the quickest opponent to draw blood recieves a bonus payout.   2. HFC Tournaments - These tournaments can determine #1 contender status, cash prizes, custom avatars, and an array of other rewards.   a. Tournaments are all 5 rounds 5 minutes long. b. Tournament rounds are 1 week apart, injuries be damned. c. All fights take place in a cage. d. Standard MMA rules and point scoring in effect.   3. Hardcore Blood Bouts - On these cards, hardcore rules are in effect, but it will be a KT event where fighters will stay standing.  First Blood is in effect with a heafty bonus.   The HFC has a solid roster in all weight classes.  We are always looking to bring in young fighters.  With a goal of seperating current roster with 260k+ fighters, we look to become one of the first orgs to cater to the new generation of fighters while keeping some of our current stars around to compete for trophys and headline events. The Super Heavyweight division is recruiting all fighters of any size and skill set to compete on short fight contracts.  These fights will be negotiated prior to booking to determine rules, match ups, etc.  No fighter in this division will ever take a fight without first agreeing to every detail of the fight.     I encourage you to check out the HFC.  This org is on the rise looks to take care of it's fighters and managers as a priortiy.  They have connections to private gyms, merch, nutrients, you name it!  The HFC is legit, and it's here to stay with strong and creative leadership guiding it into the future.   Stay HARDCORE!


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