Hello everyone, this is "The Doc" Doc Dannis, welcome to Docs Block where I interview some of my favorite fighters in todays mma, today on our show we have "The Future" Ace Giannis Ignacio,
you may recognize the name from a recent article I wrote about him on the Tycoon Times, go check it out if you haven't.
Ace just recently got a long awaited title shot after winning 4 straight including 3 straight knockouts the last two both coming in only 5 seconds!
Ace welcome to the show! Glad you could make it and congrats on getting that title shot!
(Ace) Hello everyone and hello Doc thank you for having me here, ive never imagine to be here on your show it's my pleasure well man im a litle disaointed cuz the org offer it a litle late
if i never post it on buzz i think they will ignore me. And finally they give it to me cuz man i deserve the title more than anybody.
(Doc) That's the power of Buzz!Bringing the fighters and Orgs together to create the fights that the fans want to see.
Other than that, how are things? You seem to be in a much better mind set now that you got that title shot you been asking for, how good does it feel to finally get the shot at the belt you believe you deserve?
(Ace) Things are great right now, I have the best training partners! Rigt now I have "Dodong " The King of FARTMMA" Santiago as my head trainer, he's a monster, he give(s) me best advices he teaches me some moves
that I can use in this upcoming title match... And it feels great to know that I'm given the chance, finally.
(Doc) The next question is an obvious one, what have you been doing differently recently? You, for the lack of better phrases had a bit of a rough patch to start your Underground FC fight career but have recently been on an absolute tear.
What's the secret?
(Ace) FOCUS and DETERMINATION Doc and 24/7 at the gym training so hard and as you see it the result doc. Everyone who keep getting better and learn everyday could do better things.
(Doc) I couldn't agree more with that statement! Ace, Mixed Martial Artist/ Life coach giving the best advice and only here on Doc's Corner.
(Doc) The champion Pate Parrett is knows as "The Finnish Experiment" is an incredibly dangerous man but you seem to have the advantage in the boxing department, although he likes to keep it standing,
have you taken any extra time to work on your grappling defenses in case any grappling does take place?
(Ace) Doc the champ is DANGEROUS, Yeah, I know that but he can't beat me cuz I NEVER GIVE UP, he can go with the ground game anywhere Doc ill Face him im not afraid, you'll see.
(Doc) You have won 3 Ko of the Night awards and 1 Fight of the Night award and your opponent has the exact opposite with 1 Ko of the Night and 3 Fight of the Night awards,
If you were to win an award for this fight would it mean more to get a 4th ko of the night or your second fight of the night award?
(Ace) Anything can happen in the Cage Doc, I dont mind being awarded any award on that night. I only want that belt you know that but one thing is for sure, I'll be the first man to put an X to his clean record, Mark my word.
(Doc)Bold statement but I hope you are able to come out on top.
Okay, so moving away from mixed martial arts, it's well known that you love to interact with fans and other fighters on buzz, if there was a "buzz championship", who do you think would give you the toughest matchup?
(Ace) hahaha yeah, I love the fans if without them, doc were not here right? If there will be a championship, I think it's hard to beat the Steroid guy! haha that guy Jose dela cuz, hes too noisy hahaha!
(Doc) And I believe you already answered this but besides what you've told us already, do you have any predictions for your upcoming fight?
(Doc) Okay, thank you Ace it has been a pleasure talking to you and I hope we can do a follow up interview sometime in the future and I wish you luck in your upcoming fight!
That's it for today thank you for watching/listening to our mini pod cast or if you are reading in tycoon times we greatly appreciate you! This is Doc and this has been Doc's Block, I hope you have a wonderful day
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