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Wulfgang Bleak - Against The Odds

Fighter profile of Wulfgang Bleak by Outlaw Bleak

 Wulfgang Bleak, defying the odds.

For a young professional MMA fighter, Wulfgang Bleak has defied the odds to this point in his MMA career.  He started slow with a 1-2 QFC record as he wanted to fight off some pent up anger and his training wasn't satisfying his needs.
As he started training, and after his second loss, Bleak started heeding the words of his trainers and focusing more on his efforts in the gym.  He didn't take another amateur fight, but when offered a contract to join the RRFC he couldn't resist.  It was hard to make ends meet and now that he was training full time, he couldn't afford to work full time.  Money talks...  
After fighting for several months in the RRFC at a heavier weight class than his natural weight, and still obtaining a 5-1 professional MMA record in the RRFC against far more seasoned fighters, Bleak has finally given himself a break.  Not a break from training or fighting, a break in his career.  
Bleak's manager, J.W. Hardman, organized a release from contract from the RRFC and has been picked up by Madness MMA.  This change will move him from the 170 division all the way down to the 145 where he will be the larger fighter, for a change.    
This change will bring in a whole crop of new competition and Bleak will not be the underdog as frequently, not that that's something he's had difficulties overcoming.  Now facing even footing with competition, Bleak will have his eyes on the gold in his new home in Montreal.


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