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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

THC - Volume 1

HARDCORE Threads (Closing), Nutrition Company, New York
Company profile by Outlaw Bleak

 THC - The First Week

  Recently founded THC has started off with a bang.  In their first week, they sold out of stock on their entire inventory of over 10 designer items to hit the shelf.  We send a heart felt thanks to all of our supporters!  
Earning "500 Week" award in our first week has given us the ability to sponsor over 150 fighters across multiple organizations and our name is getting out there.  
With custom hot current designs and new custom designs being added to the shelves every month, THC is on the rise and here to stay.    
If you are looking for a sponsorship for your fighter, there's no hotter trending threads outlet on the market than THC, so hit us up for a sponsorship.  Contracts vary based on fighter hype and activity.  
Until next time, stay HARDCORE!  And now, wear the threads to show it!


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