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A Donald Trump Exclusive !

Fighter profile of Donald Trump by

 Tycoon Times met up with the POTUS from Camp Camara for an exclusive post-fight interview:


Times: President Elect how do you feel after your last fight in your JAG contract?


Trump: I feel great.  Today was a victory against shamed moderator Mitchell, dirty alliance Stepdads and COVID-69 at JAG- Pandemic event !


Times: What made you and JAG name this event Pandemic president Trump?


Trump: We beat the Corona outta that chinaman didn`t we???


Times: Beloved POTUS !  Kento Kawamata is Japanese, not chinese ! 


Trump: Oh boi , are you sure?


Times: Confirmed !  You beat up the wrong man POTUS ! 


Trump: But but .. Nate Baker was Real Spitting !  I thought he did his research, Camara approved, he is bad at Geography too. 


Times: Nate Baker should chill with the Real Spitting and wear a mask.


Trump: Agreed. Camara doesn`t wash his hands by the way. So dirty.


Times: It was a great event, even if you dorks beat up the wrong asian. What is next for the POTUS?


Trump: We have signed with FARTMMA to help the org grow and will be doing Super Fights and what not  My time at JAG was incredible and we are in discussions with Nate to continue working together. I need some rest now, I have to go into self-quarantene for now and Kevin Spacey`s  Basement of Doom in New York is so infected it`s crazy.  Ibby does not wash his hands it is nasty over there, he has also been hoarding all the TP in New York. 


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