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The story of Paddy 360° Mcgillicuty

Fighter profile of Paddy Mcgillicutty by Bjorn O'Donnel

                                                 The story of Paddy 360° Mcgillicuty


After a short but very entertaining career, brash Irish super heavyweight Conrad Mcgillicuty hang up his gloves in 2017. He was best know for his intimidating presence in the cage and his big mouth. Standing 225cm tall and weighing 300lbs, he never had any issue with making his presence being felt. Most of his career was built on short brutal fights, leaving nothing to the judges. He was a fan favorite among many, thanks to his image and wise use of words.

More than 2 years after his retirement, Conrad finally sold his bachelor pad in Dublin and moved to a big house with multiple bedrooms.
Why would one ask? Well, Conrad had plans to start a family. After having contacted his mother, a fine Irish bride was offered to him.
Many hours of physical labor later, Conrad was all sweaty and ready for the best 30 seconds of sex that he ever had.

A few months later, a doctor visit showed that it was no succes. 

It was then that Conrad started drinking this new Irish poison, called Proper Twelve. Seriously, that stuff is soooo bad, yikes! 

If an Irishman can up with that drink, he should be ashamed of himself! 

Anyway, after numerous new attempts riding the wife to a new high, it was safe to say that Conrad had no more energy left.

He decided that it made no more sense to try and instead decided to learn kickboxing, to possibly return to MMA. 

It was at that time that via a friend, one of the world's best kickers was introduced to Conrad. 

Joe Rogan and Conrad did not really get along in their daily lives, but the training was on point. 
His training sessions were so brutal though, that Conrad often passed out at the end of a session, only to wake up hours later to an emtpy home gym. 
What exactly happend during those few sleepy hours at Conrad's house, who knows, but a few weeks later, his wife announced that they were having a baby.

Somewhat flustered, Conrad sat next to his wife on the 29th of March 2020 and was looking forward to finally meeting his(?) son. 

Time passed by and the 360k deadline (= the 360.000th birth in that region) was coming up fast.

Trying to time it perfectly, Conrad made up a magnificent scare prank and it launched the bad boy out of his wife's right on time.

A legend was born, Paddy 360° Mcgillicuty


On a totally unrelated note, Joe Rogan has been admitted to hospital, after a red skyscraper (?!) smashed his skull in. 

Media reported that Mr. Rogan showed no signs of alcohol or drug abuse at the time of this event and police is still scratching their bald heads, trying to figure out what happened on the night of the 29th of March 2020. 



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