A championship title, that is what MMA newcomer Stan “Razorback” Chowmein has set out to achieve. No easy task, as he knows all too well. “There are a lot of athletes that think they can step into the cage and beat anyone in front of them. I’m a bit more realistic, I think, in terms of where I’m at and going to be for the next little while. I’ve found an awesome gym (Capital Fighting Gym) in Montreal to train at with some excellent coaches and sparring partners and that gives me a lot of confidence that I’ll reach my ultimate goal.”.
Chowmein got the idea to start training for MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) after he found he didn’t have the size for some of the more traditional sports like football, basketball or his beloved hockey. “I have the skills to compete in any of the other sports, just not the size. There isn’t much room for a 5’ 10”, 160-pounder on an NHL roster.”. The fact that he loves fighting and competing made the decision to train in combat sports that much easier. “I had a lot of fights in the schoolyard (mostly, he points out, due to being taunted with cries of “Chicken” in regards to his last name) growing up and it was something I wanted to continue after I graduated without getting arrested. Learning about proper technique(s) and being able to punch someone in the face legally has a certain appeal to me.” he says with an easy smile.
While he hasn’t yet had a professional fight, he is confident that his coaches and fellow trainees will steer him in the right direction. “I’m saying my prayers and eating my vitamins so that has to count for something.” Chowmein is hoping to get into the cage to start testing himself against other pros soon. “If I can train for 2 or three more weeks before getting into a ranked tussle, I should be able to start my career with a victory…just one of many, I’m assuming.”. This confidence is something he comes by naturally, having racked up many trophies and awards throughout his school years. “I get it from my parents. They’ve always helped and inspired me to be my best and when I am, I’m usually better than everyone else.”. A statement Stan Chowmein wants to put to the test sooner rather than later.
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