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GAMMA: Runt HOF Induction

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 I am proud to announce the induction of current GAMMA manager Runt . (108617), to our Hall of Fame! Runt is ranked #31 in the all time manager list (he is actually higher, simply we have not done a stats update since October), with over 80 professional fights to his GAMMA career.He is just one of 12 active GAMMA managers in the HOF.

  To his name he has 16 title fights and 3 super fights, Which is a top 22 all time. His most recognizable star and future HOF inductee is Bunt Jermit who was the 145lbs champ until recently. You could argue that Bunt is the best 145/155lbs fighter of all time, it is up for debate, depending on when he retires himself.   Currently Runt stands with 279 ranking points. By the next update i expect him to shoot up the rankings and join the top 20 all time.    Once again i congratulate Runt for his feat and thank him for his contribution to the organization.


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