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GAMMA: The year of the Grumpy

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 It was a historical year and especially weekend of GAMMA manager and Hall of Famer, Grumpy Bastard (102643). Grumpy broke several records already this year.

  #1 He became a Tycoon Hall of Fame manager this year after he hit the #1 spot. #2 He became the only manager in our history to have 2 fighters hit the #1 spot in one year (and it is just April), when both 2020-01-30 Foot Fungus (302783) #1 2020-02-15 Snot Slurper (302792), hit the #1 spots.    But this weekend he broke 3 more records!  #3 He became the first manager in our history to win 2 belts in one weekend, when William Spud and Crotch Grabber won the titles. #4 He became the only manager to hold 4 belts at one tile. The other 2 title holders being Foot Fungus and Joy Rones.  #5 The last event headlined by Crotch Grabber is the highest ranking GAMMA event in history with a rating of 986.15.    Congratulations to Grumpy for his achievements!


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