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Paddy signs his first pro contract!

Fighter profile of Paddy Mcgillicutty by Bjorn O'Donnel


Paddy "360°" Mcgillicutty 

As promised, I signed my first pro contract today and am proud to announce that I will be the true king of King of Fighters: Iron Wolf 360k+

Plenty of orgs were interested and make big offers, but it was a pleasure throughout to talk to Mr. Lundgren and out of all org owners, he showed the most confidence in my abilities and marketing value. 


Thank you to all orgs that made offers and for the fans for their patience. I am working hard and look forward to making my debut when I have the fundamental stuff mastered. Tonight though, first a little Corona-party at home, with my girl, a few bottles of Corona and homemade pizza's for a complete Italian family. 
But just to be clear, no Italian family is present, just me and my girl. We eat... a lot! 

If I'm lucky, perhaps it's finally Green Panty Night again, to celebrate my big contract...!  


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