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HFC Makes a Splash!

HARDCORE, Fight Organization, New York
Company profile by Outlaw Bleak

 The HFC made a big splash today in signing a few young talented fighters to their roster.  Each of these guys have been training hard for months, and from what scouts and coaches have to say, they are better than most of the fighters on the current roster.  I guess we will have to see if that is true or not.

We will be highlighting two of these fighters in this article as they will be facing each other next month in their debut HFC fight.  A tough draw for either, but what a chance to see that training put to the test in the cage.

Our first fighter highlight is Dre Battle.  Dre is a very versatile fighter with only one professional fight under his belt in the QFC.  But do not be too quick to focus on the QFC fight or lack of experience in the cage, because I assure you that Dre is a man among boys and will be expected to move up the rankings in short order.  

With amazing boxing and MT skills at his disposal, Battle can stand and throw with any middleweight on the HFC roster.  Don't be fooled by this striking prowess, because his most polished game is his wrestling.  When you couple excellent wrestling with a purple belt in BJJ, you are looking at a lethal grappler with an arsenal of weapons at his disposal.  Combine the full skill set of this man, and we may be looking at the future Middleweight champion down the road.

And for his first opponent, another fighter with many of the same qualities, and one that is sure to be a rival to Battle every step of the way throughout their careers, is Samson Komua.
I dare to say that Komua might possibly be a mirror image of Battle, with one minor trade off.  Where Battle has exceptional wrestling and a very slight edge over Komua, Komua has that same very slight edge over Battle in boxing. 
Just as Battle, Komua has only one fight under his belt.  A fight, in fact, that was before Komua got going into his training.  Probably the fight that helped Komua understand what it was he was going to need to improve upon to be a competitive fighter in MMA.  Komua took it to heart, because he hit the gym and hit the gym hard.  In the following months, he has become a lethal weapon with an amazing skill set.

A big day for the HFC in signing these two young rising stars.  One of them will jump to a fast start on their journey to the gold while the other will relight his fire with the fuel of vengeance as he chases behind.  With the skills these two young fighters already posses, there's no doubt in my mind that Komua vs Battle 2 will be, at the least, a contender fight.

Thank you for reading another Hardcore Media Tycoon Times article!


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