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HFC Spotlight: Massive Wanker

Fighter profile of Massive Wanker by Outlaw Bleak

 Massive Wanker; More than just a Name

When president J.W. Hardman told me my next assignment was to interview Madness Super Heavyweight Champion Massive Wanker, I was terrified.  I didn't know much about the man, except that he was undefeated, that he was absolutely massive (he stands 7 feet three inches tall (225 cm) and weighs almost 300 pounds) and that his name implies he may be a jerk.  Within about 30 seconds of meeting Massive I realized his name had absolutely no effect on the person he became.  He was truly a gentleman.  He answered all my questions, and even told me to call him if I ever see my childhood (current) bully again.  I asked the champ a few questions about his life, his upcoming fight and his thoughts on the Madness and HFC merger.
Hi Massive, great that we get to sit down and do this, tell me about how you found Martial Arts.

To be honest it found me.  Growing up in London people love to fight.  When your name is Massive Wanker, you’ve already given them more than enough reason to fight you.  Everyday I left my house I was anticipating a fight.  Towards my later teen years, I was well known and respected in London.  The street fights became less often but every now and then an out of towner or a drunky would square up.  Eventually I started training,  I mean I was fighting everyday I figured I should probably learn some proper technique.  Valentina’s Ass saw one of my amatuer fights and took me under his wing.   I have been training and living in Las Vegas ever since.  


Your name is a statement in itself, how do you feel about it?

Yeah my parents have a sick sense of humour.  I wont get into my childhood, family history or why they named me this, but yes, with a name like this, and the fact I am a massive individual, anytime I am around, you will know it.  I embrace it,  I am a massive wanker,  and my name is Massive Wanker.  If you show me respect, I will show you more, but if you show me disrespect, I will bash you.  


Madness merging with HFC, one fight left for you under the Madness banner.  Everyone knows what is at stake; a shot in Madness HOF, a chance to hold the Madness 265+ Super Heavyweight title for eternity, and a guaranteed shot at the HFC  265+ Super Heavyweight title when the Madness/HFC merger takes place this summer.  That being said, any difference in how you are prepping for this fight?

This is all pretty crazy for me.  3 years ago I was in London fighting in the streets.  Now I am being mentioned as a HOF candidate, it's just all surreal man.  Am i worthy?  I think so.  I am also very willing to prove it.  Come 5/16 I’ll be in the middle of the cage ready to fight.  Whatever time and date my name is called next, I will be there too.  I am only 21 years old, not time for me to get lost in legacy and HOF.  Much respect to Madness and all it has done for me, now it is time to lock in and keep working.  HFC is where I will be rewarded for all this hard work.  


Looking at your record, you currently stand 7-0, any of those fights stand out?

They’ve all been pretty epic haha. That first QFC fight, I was sooo nervous.  Valentina’s Ass was in the locker room with me just calming me down.  Don’t know if I could have gotten into that cage if Valentina’s Ass wasn't there supporting me.  Of course the back to back fights with Vasquez were pretty epic.  But you know the old adage, only one fight matters and that is your next.  I am locked in on Antonio Nagashima, he is the only fight that matters.

Your manager Valentina’s Ass is a legend, he has a stable of top tier fighters and champions.  How is your relationship with him?

Yeah he is the best.  I mean you hear the rumours about how he gets the most out of his fighters and you assume a lot of it is just hype but it is all true.  He goes the extra mile for all of us.  Flights, equipment, gyms, everything, whatever you need, you get.  No surprise he manages so many champions.  Pure excellence plain and simple.  I simply focus on what I need to do, he lets me know exactly what that is, and EVERYTHING else is taken care of.  


If you could fight one person out there who would it be?

One day, I want the p4p title, one day… I am not there yet. Now if I could fight anyone..., I don't know, someone fun.  Really, I should say my next opponent, Antonio Nagashima, but I’ll get to fight him either way.  I’d do a fun fight, there are stories of tribes in the Amazons who are masters of hand to hand combat.  Often times villages will have champions that battle other local villages.  I’d go there and challenge one of the village’s local legends, just see how we match up.

Any comments to your fans out there struggling or facing adversity?

Of course, first off, if a massive wanker like me can pull something together so can you.  Be yourself,  love yourself for who you are.  F**K everyone else,  if they are worthy they will see your worthiness.  If they challenge you, accept,  if you fail, try harder.  It will get easier, the hard part is continuing to try.  


Well Thank you Massive Wanker, it has been a pleasure getting to know you.  I really cannot wait for your next fight.  I will be there cageside as usual, anything special I should look out for?

Benjamin, glad we could catch up,  I am excited about joining the HFC.  President Hardman called me to introduce himself which I thought was very classy.  As far as this next fight, look for relentless fight from a young man who wants to show the world what he is capable of.  I am Massive Wanker, this is my destiny.  I have no choice but to forge forward as hard as I can.


Beautiful words from a beautiful massive man.  I was terrified to take this interview with Massive Wanker, but I am so happy I did.  I made a new friend and have a new badass to call when I get picked on.  Everyone at the HFC is thrilled to have Massive Wanker on board and will be anticipating his debut this summer.  As usual fight fans...Fight ON!





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