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BFC Under New Ownership

BLAZE BROTHERS , Fight Organization, Rio de Janeiro
Company profile by Benjamin Halle

Fight fans from all over the world, we are very excited to announce Bloodbath Fighting Championship (355k+) (5709) has transitioned into new ownership.  Benjamin Halle is now Chief Operating Officer and President of BFC.  He brings with him trusted associate Chris Swimmer who will aid in contract negotiations and act as a counsel for rankings and performance bonuses.  Do you have a young fighter looking to prove himself?  BFC is the place. We have direct ties with Hardcore Fighting Championship, a prmeirer 350+ organization.  Come to BFC as a young fighter, make some money and get a shot to win a belt; then make your way to a top organization where you can build your legacy and your bankroll.   We have an action packed month of events coming up.  Expect a lot movement in the rankings (new rankings will be posted soon!) and the gradual removal of the open weight division.  We are turning BFC into a true 355+ organization with divisions, rankings, champions and legacy!!!! As always fight fans...FIGHT ON!  


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