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FFS 5 "Of The Night" Awards Review

Event Review: FFS 5: Palatka
Florida Fight Squad (16-19 year old fighters only)
2020-05-16, New York, Micro Arena - New York
Attendance:366, Event Rating:51
Author:Buff Minion

                                                                                         FFS 5: Palatka


Venue: Construction Site

Fight of the Night


Callum Neenan (1-0) vs Pierre Mvarre (3-1)

Winner: Callum Neenan

KO (punch) / 1 minute 8 seconds

Callum Neenan came into this fight a big underdog as his opponent, Pierre Mvarre, had won 3 straight by KO on the local circuit & in a actual MMA organiziation.

Neenan, who was making his debut, showed no concern about his opponent's experience as they faced off.

Neenan completely outclassed the Nigerian in the boxing exchanges showing off his crisp, accurate technique.

Moments after knocking Mvarre down with an uppercut, Neenan finished the job with a big straight right hand ending Mvarre's unbeaten streak.


Word is Mvarre fell on a rusty nail & had to be treated for tetanus. Not good not good at all.


Knockout of the Night



Sturn Slugger (1-0)

KO (punch) / 17 seconds

When Sturn Slugger made his way through the crowd & squared off with Arkadiusz Burdon, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Several audience members loudly ridiculed him with one man shouting "Who is this Mortal Kombat lookin' muthafucka *HAHAHA*"

17 seconds later, nobody was laughing...

After feeling each other out with a couple strikes, Slugger cracked Burdon with a big right hand knocking him down into the clay.

Bleeding & on wobbly legs, Burdon was beckoned back to his feet by Slugger.

Credit to Burdon as it didn't deter him from still throwing punches & attempting to fight back.

Unfortunately for Burdon he ducked a jab & got nailed with an uppercut straight from the Netherrealm.

If Burdon didn't get knocked out by the punch he certainly would have been from hitting his head on a cement mixer on the way down. Ouch.


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