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FFS 6 "Of The Night" Awards Recap

Event Review: FFS 6: Bunnell
Florida Fight Squad (16-19 year old fighters only)
2020-05-23, New York, Micro Arena - New York
Attendance:319, Event Rating:52
Author:Buff Minion

                                                                                          FFS 6: Bunnell


Venue: Scrapyard

Fight of the Night

"Troublesome" Matthew Fritz (1-0) vs Killian Hassan (1-1)

Winner: "Troublesome" Matthew Fritz

TKO (strikes) / 2 minutes 51 seconds

The UK earned some respect from the locals here in Florida as both fighters showed us how the Brits throw down.

For the first minute, Fritz battered Hassan with punches.

Hassan, seemingly unphased, continued to move forward but showed virtually no offense & was content to eat shots showing off his durability.

Hassan eventually shot in & scored a takedown.

However, nothing was attempted from the advantageous position & shockingly Hassan stood back up.

This was perfectly okay with Fritz as he went back to work tenderizing Hassan's face.

After a succession of punches, Fritz rocked Hassan with a lunging uppercut & then planted his feet landing a really nice straight left hand that dropped Hassan.

Hassan had no idea where he was & tried to hang in there but the ref called it off shortly after.


The fans were treated to a great display of Fritz's boxing prowess & Hassan's durability.


Knockout of the Night


Oleg "The Gator" Gazbinski (1-0)

KO (punch) / 21 seconds

Both fighters came out swingin' as soon as the ref said "FIGHT!".

Gazbinski knocked the Irishman down with a big right hand opening up a cut.

Gazbinski then waved for his opponent to get back to his feet.

The second Murphy was back up Gazbinski rushed in with the same punch knocking him back down to the ground.

This time however Murphy sprung right back to his feet albeit a little wobbly.

Still recovering his senses, Murphy got the wind knocked out of him with a big punch to the stomach.


Bloody, winded, & wobbled, Murphy circled right into Gazbinski's power side eating a beautiful right hook & fell face first into the dirt.


Submission of the Night


Armie "Lightning" Aiden (1-1)

Triangle / 1 minute 39 seconds

Aiden damn near earned "Knockout of the Night" when he scored a big head kick that sent his Afghan opponent tumbling into the dirt opening a huge gash.

Aiden decided to let him back up which later in the fight we discovered he was being kind.

It turns out Aiden is very well versed on the ground.


Aiden clinched, pulled guard, & secured a textbook triangle choke showing off his versatile skills.


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