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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

The Rising War Horse Fightwear

WARHORSE Fightwear , Nutrition Company, London
Company profile by Dartz The Cannon

While seeing many clothing brands in MMA Tycoon you also have to look at upcoming ones ones that are rising in the rankings and have great potential of being the next big thing and fighters all around the globe wearing just one thing to represent "WARHORSE Fightwear" it is a very well put up brand that sells great looking shorts and shirts one of the most cleanest logos in MMA Tycoon too. they are getting a steady amount of money to keep running but this brand deserves to be the next big thing. not many know about it but they have it all. Hoodies, T-Shirts, Rash Gaurds, (in my opinion are the best) and they have shorts. this company has a long way to go.


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