all leagues have one thing in common... They all have a top fighter.. they all have knock out power being challenged and silencing the people that dont belive... and that man is Ispa Perkele with great wrestling and boxing that means he has a stunning clinch and stand up. it first all started in his debut no sponsors to help him just himself only coming into the cage his first night against a other new comer. there the match started and before it has reached a minute he has thrown a blow has cut him and counters with a blow for a knock down.. thats already enough to win the round but he didnt go out that way he knocked him out in the first round putting up a combo and 4 head punches out of 5 punches thrown. his opponent didnt land anything not that he even had the space to throw a solid punch he tried 5 take downs but he forgot his wrestling was so good and you cant take him down also. he was almost 10 pounds heavy for him.. next fight he cut him fast in the first round and toyed with him for the rest of the fight and sent him crashing down to the mat with a swift uppercut he did land every single one of his Punches none of his punches was wasted... and he beat the hell out of him.. landing 68 head punches in clinch and 33 body punches in clinch.. that was just a head start of his fame when he won 2 more matches then he got a title fight.. against a top art athlete with a 5-0 record also hungry for a belt. he didnt even make it to the second round till he knocked out with clean shots to the head not defended although he managed top numbers before he didnt now since his opponent was top of the class but managed to cut him... he was now crowned A welter weight champion and is still going as he is now 19 years old
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