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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Savage Scholarship Programme

Editorial by Rocket ...




Do you have what it takes to be #Savage?




We are glad to reveal that you can now apply to receive one of our 5 available scholarships worth £200k each - please read below for information on who can apply.
Closing date for applications is FRIDAY 17th JULY
We want to support and nurture the next generation of Savages coming through the ranks right now!








1.All fighters who apply must be 25 years of age or less


2. All fighters who apply must have an attached bio / backstory (avatar is preferable - not essential)


3. All fighters who apply must have have 5 fights or less on their record.


4. We want participation - smack talking - fighter journals - progress reports. The most


active and successful recipient will be awarded further cash prizes at the end of the scholarship


5. The scholarship will be received as a 122 day sponsorship deal from Savage Fightwear.


6. Further competitions and events will be added to this as we go along.




So, let's see those applications. This is not a first come first served deal - once the closing date has passed - all applicants will be reviewed and the 5 best candidates will be announced as the inaugural 5


Savage Scholars.




God speed to you all and may the hiddens forever be in your favour.


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