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GAMMA: Lao Shin HOF induction

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

  Managed by Las Staz. He is the only fighter in GAMMA and game history to hold a belt 7 times (that being the 170lbs belt). 

Upon retirement he accumulated a total of 348 points which is 5th greatest ever and only 7 points behind Jeremy Tonal and Gunnar Steigelmann.   
He is joint 3rd in total FON awards with 32 in total, 4th highest title fight total with 21. He almost spent the whole of his 77 fights in GAMMA, only 7 were outside GAMMA (one was technically a super fight in CEC). His total of 63 fights in GAMMA is the 3rd highest total of all time. He is also 2nd highest in total wins and joint 3rd in KO wins, only HW fighters have more KO wins.   
He is also a former #5 ranked and 170lbs game fighter of the year at 170lbs.   
This induction also takes Laz Staz to the #5 spot in the all time GAMMA manager listings and he is also the 2nd greatest GAMMA manager still active behind just the legend Whymer Van Mastodon.


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