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SFL Profile: Tim Sanchez

Fighter profile of Tim Sanchez by Chris Karter

Tim "Mexican" Sanchez is a striker from Guadalajara. He sports a 5-3 record and all 5 of his professional wins come by way of knockout. He started his career under LOD manager David Brent like a Mexican firework as he shot out to a 3-0 record with 3 knockouts. Of course he did it against shoddy competition in an organization with a reputation so tarnished it shall not be named. The place is a joke really, if you're signed there, you should leave and come to the SFL because your fighter's careers are being managed by an owner who stubs his toe stepping out the bed in the morning. He doesn't even make it to the shower. It's so bad at this organization that Tim Sanchez fired David Brent for signing him there and David left the life of an MMA manager in shame. He hired Convicted Inc manager Marcus Crassus moving forward to RFC, where he had ups and downs but ended with 3 fight of the night awards. He's favored against his upcoming opponent Kron Gracie as long as he can keep it standing.


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