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Convicted Legends: Patrick "Heartless" McWhiskey

Fighter profile of Patrick McWhiskey by Chris Karter

 "Heartless" Patrick McWhiskey (35-16-0)


Career Summary
Despite being a heartless sack of he was actually a skilled fighter with a lot of power. He could deliver a beating a lot better than he could take one. Very frustrating fighter to manage due to his lack of heart and frequently left sliders on auto-pilot during his career. Earned camp's only victory over the legendary Womba, so he earned his keep regardless of all his disappointing performances and folding like a girl under pressure.
Notable Wins (Highest P4P Rank)
Smokudju Womba (1), Nemanja Prijovic (7), Simon Williams (7), Mickey McFinnigan (13), Jensen Saint (14), Tolo Seia (16), Tursunovich Tokhtakhounov (19), Johnny Priest (31), Doppo Orochi (37), Hans Thor (54), Miguel Fernandez (58), Evander Holyshit (80), Alexandr Romanov (82)
Fighter Bio
"Heartless" Patrick McWhiskey likes to drink, fight, screw, and fold like a girl when he's punched in the head. After Womba put him in a cock-bar and stripped him of his manhood, he spiraled into a dark and twisted path so he knee fucked Womba in the face n their rematch. He pops warboners every time he gets punched in the face. The truth is, he's not heartless, he's just too drunk to defend himself.
Patrick McWhiskey - Hiddens Report.
Intelligence: 83/150.
Heart: 20/150.
Chin: 138/150.
Injury Proneness: 83/150.
Self Confidence: 90/150.
Cuts: 119/150.
Fast Learner: 130/150.
Natural KO: 140/150.
Average: 100.4/150. Rank: 21,427 out of 190,908 (top 11%)

Experience: 147/150.
Potential: 120/123. (Min 96).
Age Drop Off: 33 years.


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