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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Vanguard Athletics

Vanguard Athletics and Laundry, Nutrition Company, Montreal
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Fighting out of Montreal and tired of waiting for your clothing orders to arrive in the mail? The wait is over! Vanguard Athletics is a new clothing company based in Montreal, owned and operated by me, Cheorge Guvalo (133318). Our unique line of clothing is simple, impactful, and created to make a statement. Your game plan may be garbage, but you shouldn’t look like you just stepped out of one.


Bulk buying (5 or more) guarantees your fighter a 3-month sponsorship.


Interested in a clothing sponsor? We’re willing to create your organization-specific outfit for you and your fighters.


PM me with any questions or comments.


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