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GAMMA: Rodrigo Rojas HOF induction

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 I would like to induct Rodrigo Rojas (101547) into the GAMMA Hall of Fame! As of May 2020, Rodrigo had 264 ranking points which is #35 among all GAMMA managers in history.

  What got him there is his consistency and longevity. He has a total of 100 fights inside the GAMMA cage. Only 21 other managers have had 100 fights inside a GAMMA cage. His record is 49-49-2 and has had a total of 5 title fights to date.    He often has several fighters on the roster and are usually on the top end of the roster, just outside the very top, winning the fights he should win.    His most historic fighter to date has to be Michael "Young Gun" Cole (274408). Michael started fighting at a GAMMA affiliate back in October 2015 and is still part of the roster! That is a total of 65 fights. He won belts in 2 GAMMA affiliates and also competed for the GAMMA title.   All in all Rodrigo is one of the most solid and consistent managers on the roster, he deserves to be in the HOF!


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