SOTF 5:The Shield
Giorgio vs Robert Trutka
SOTF5 starts off with a 170lb bout. Both fighters are well rounded. It could go either way. These fighters can KO each other so both get that boxing advantage. I feel that Robert has the advantage in Muay Thai and will use it in the clinch. Giorgio has all the advantage in the ground and will either look for a sub or classic GNP.
Hannibal King vs John Freeman
King made a impressive SOTF debut by Knocking out his opponent in 22 seconds in SOTF 3.He will be looking for a KO in this fight with the Boxing advantage . As for John Freeman will be in a rush to get a takedown and cause mayhem to make up for his loss at SOTF3.
Mario Balotelli vs Bill Lighting
The Third match of the Prelims .Mario made a impressive victory in his SOTF debut by decision. He is coming in this one motivated. As for Bill it is different because he came from his first mma fight with his head down but with the stats here Bill could win either with a KO or TKO but the rest is to Mario.
Circle Jerk vs Trequan Adams
This fight Crazy 205lb fight. In this fight it looks like Trequan has no chance against Circles stand up boxing which is bad cause all fights start on there feet but Jerk would die on the ground which is bad because that’s where most fights end. This makes it a entertaining time
Derrick Gordon vs Angel Rivera
Now heres 170lb fight Angel Rivera vs Derrick Gordon. This fight does not look good for angel With Derrick Gordon Being able to beat him in Boxing and Wrestling But Angel has a chance in a clinch which would make him fight for the decision
Stan Rosberg vs Michael David
Here is another 205lb fight. Both fighters are coming in to this fight with a good history and a great debut. It looks real close to Stan winning this fight but David has a chance on the ground having a brown belt in BJJ
Javier Pena vs Hugo Martinez
Now here is a 155lb fight. This fight will be a all out war. Pena and Martinez are so close in boxing but Pena is slightly better but Martinez is better at Muay thai and Wrestling. I predict this fight will be mayhem. A killer.
The Flash Vs Alexander Popov
Now the Co main event Flash vs Popov.I call this down the middle. These people will kill each other. Flash may win in Boxing but BJJ goes to Popov but In Muay Thai they both win.
Jigoro Kane vs Zhu Fangyu
This is the main event. This fight is WW3.When I say war here I mean it. These killers are ready to kill each other. Right now it looks like Kane will win on Boxing but Muay Thai and Wrestling are identical but Kane is slightly better with BJJ.I predict war.Who will survive?
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