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Tasmanian Jesus rewarded Black Belt

Fighter profile of Badr Al Din by Chris Karter

Los Angeles, CA - Current Syn and CFC Light Heavyweight Champion "Tasmanian Jesus" Badr al Din has been awarded his black belt in BJJ from Pluto Palhares over the weekend.


A lifelong student of the game, Badr has been involved with MMA since his father Taj al Din - former #1 P4P fighter in the world and considered one of the most decorated fighters of all time - introduced him to martial arts at an early age.


Badr's camp promises that his black belt is legit and that he isn't on that Micky Gall shit. "He could win TWGC, right now." Coach Palhares exclaimed. "He is that good on ground. Very intelligent fighter."


Rumors have it that early in his career, due to his father's legendary status, that his motivation was missing. He didn't have the same hunger that pushed his dad to greatness, and that l as ck of a competitive edge hampered his career as he was once a 11-10 journeyman.


"Badr al Din is the real deal holyfield. He hasn't had the most consistent career, he's been adamantly against steroid use his entire life, but after facing a bunch of juicers on mentor's penis cream he decided it was time elevate his game." Chris Karter explained to the crew. "Injected that fool with some bull shark testosterone and now the resurrection of his career has began."


Will Badr al Din use his newly acquired black belt in his upcoming fights? He's been knocking our fools left and right, so maybe it is time to switch it up and slap on an armbar on a vulnerable Aussie stepdad.


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