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GAMMA: Statistical Update

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone


Hello to all! As many of you may (or may not) know, GAMMA has the most impressive statistical database in MMA Tycoon history. We keep a full record of all the greatest managers and fighters in our history, going back to 2009.

It took us a bit of time, but we came up with a formula which we use to “rate” the performance of all our fighters and managers. For managers it is slightly different because there is no way to quickly/easily record all the Fight of the Night awards, so we use the following criteria:

2 Per draw

1 Per Loss

3 Per title fight/Super fight

4 Per win

50 for HOF Fighters

We only record managers who have competed for a GAMMA title, so all other managers do not get onto the all time greatest list.

The last statistical update for our fighters took place mid May and we have now updated all fights up till GAMMA 860. Here are the best performing managers in the past 6 months (not less than 20 total points):

Laz Staz (82447)                                150       

Grumpy Bastard (102643)             123

Runt . (108617)                                  90

Carlos Castenada (84794)             89

Bwang Jong Sr (91781)                   81

Kostas Tsaq (113079)                      75

Alika Webb (62511)                         71

Mike Hunt (39215)                           65

Alfred Winterbottom II (118115)                52

Bear Stevenson (81194)                 52

John Coffey (93474)                        51

Randall McSweeny (14361)          46

Bradley Burns (1540)                       46

Pablo Spezziale (16996)                 45

Action Jackson (123097)                40

Whymer Van Mastodon (40116) 39

Rodrigo Rojas (101547)                  36

Stig Zapp (120455)                           32

Billy Arseworth (74054)                 31

Theksit Ruengruong (117485)     24

Captain Spaulding (804)                 21

Laz has probably been our most consistent performer the past 2 years and Grumpy was dominating the earlier part of the year with multiple title holders at the same time. Runt, KostasTsaq, Alfred Winterbottom II and Bear Stevenson had probably their best overall 6 months in the organization. But overall we see a list of legendary top level managers dominating the ratings once again.

How has this influenced our all time ratings listings? This is the new all time top managers list (minimum of 250 points).

Whymer Van Mastodon (40116)        1407

Gale Hawthorne (22636)        1200

Laz Staz (82447)        951 

Dom Jaehnke (20196)            827

Grumpy Bastard (102643)      803 

Gerbert Bryant (84742)           800

Alika Webb (62511)    781

Bloody Gutz (3074)     741

Boondock The Destroyer (503)          695

Pawel Ufcowski (52087)         595

Carlos Castenada (84794)     554 

Igor Psycho (6994)     548

Mike Hunt (39215)      540

David Brent (104382) 502

Marky Mark (22640)   492

Bwang Jong Sr (91781)          451

Face Kicker (2965)     448

Bobby Heyman (99756)         434

Runt . (108617)           427

Trippin Balls (104409) 412

Hunter Jones (38476) 385

Grund McGrunderson (3341) 323

Paulie Walnuts (79001) 314

Jebba . (61031)           310

Thor HGH (24686)      308

Richard Davenport (10647)    303

Kostas Tsaq (6108)    302

John McGuirk (1306)  301

Rodrigo Rojas (101547) 300

Andy McKenzie (101467)       289

Matt Cave (45538)      288

Klatz Matz (46802)      287

Gritty Smitty (1206)     286

Randall McSweeny (14361)   283

Digga Dogman (91254)          275

Brad O'Neil     271

Power Shark (94407)  270

Seppo Koskinen (2820)          266

Doug Heffernan (10852)         260

John Bravo (50889)    260

Lance Templeton (889)          256


Whymer is still holding onto the #1 spot, but has been gaining less points as of late. Gale is still #2, even though he has been retired for several years now. Laz moved up 4 spots to #3 all time and Grumpy just scrapped into the #5 spot all time.

These are the managers who improved their position over the past 6 months:

Laz Staz (82447)                                Up 4!!!

Grumpy Bastard (102643)             Up 4!!!

Carlos Castenada (84794)             Up 4!!! 

Mike Hunt (39215)                           Up 1!!!

Bwang Jong Sr (91781)                   Up 4!!!

Runt . (108617)                                  Up 2!!! 

Kostas Tsaq (6108)                           Newcomer to top list!!!

Rodrigo Rojas (101547)                  Up 6!!! 

Randall McSweeny (14361)          Up 6!!! 

Power Shark (94407)                      Up 2!!!

Based on the above, Kostaz, Randall and Power are next in line to be inducted into the GAMMA Hall of Fame!

I would like to thank all the managers for their contribution, continue the great work!


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