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Toby Keith Yrkje Wins Prestigeous Award

Fighter profile of Toby Keith Yrkje by Freako Wimp

Last Saturday, the annual Farmer's Ball was held at Skjoldastraumen, Norway. Every self-respecting cowpoke, hillbilly, AmCar enthusiast, farmer, Covid truther and racist in the greater Haugalandet area was present. The star of the show was, as usual, local MMA fighter Toby Keith Yrkje. TKY is a pillar of the community, and is considered a pioneer by the other villagers, as he's the first area man to learn English, finish all 10 years of compulsory education, and win an MMA title in an international organisation.

A completely different accomplishment was the source of adoration this time, though. Earlier this year, TKY had set a world record. In 24 hours he had tipped an astounding 2400 cows, 100 cows an hour, without the assistance of any of the three M's of competitive cow tipping: men, machines, or methamphetamines. He easily beat the old cow tipping record, a 1986 effort by Kentucky farmer Cleetus McDonald, by over 700 cows.

Well done, TKY!


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