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The Human Tampon "Bleeding Spanner"

Fighter profile of Bleeding Spanner by Chris Karter

Bleeding Spanner is a 16-3 Heavyweight fighter out of Camp Blake & Blake. Spanner's most impressive win of his young career came when he knocked out a gassed Henry Akinwande to capture the HW title. The most impressive name on his resume however is Kilo "Bloodbath" Maluga. Officially, the record states it is a TKO Cut victory for Mr. Spanner, but in reality it was a rigged result. #1 BS implemented by the corrupt judges after Valentina gave handy's to the doctor with no principles.


Kilo was robbed of his epic destruction of his foe and now he's preparing for a rematch. Spanner has stated that Kilo is the toughest opponent he's ever seen, faced, or entered the cage with, and that he stained his shorts brown, not red, when he fought Kilo. He told us the trick was luring Kilo into a game of slap fighting. Smiling and hugging it out, this confused the war machine from Kiribati, and threw him off his game enough for Spanner to open up a cut and give the doctor an excuse to jump in and call the fight.


Spanner has a pretty decorated career at FMMA and he still walks around with that paper belt to this day. He told us that it makes him feel competent and without it he just wouldn't have the confidence to get in the ring with fighters like Kilo. Spanner plans on mixing up punches and kicks this time, to try to fool the monster from the Pacific, but Bloodbath plans on popping The Human Tampon's melon.


Spanner says he has never been more ready to feed another fighter hype in his life, and that it is ultimately an honor to just share the same cage as the KO King. Blake and Blake have listed Chris Karter as their idol and hero. Spanner hates Karter's face, but admits he's too scared to tell him so, hence why he signed to the SFL to become Babinski's punching bag.


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