Editorial by I know clothing companies. For 5-6 months I ran the top ten company, Renegade Fight Gear out of Amsterdam, and it was a success. However, clothing companies in MMA tycoon have a ton of in's & out's, so I am hopefully going to give you a guide to succeed in the harsh world of clothing. Now let’s start from the ground floor up. Ok, so now that you have started a company here a few keys. First off, as a mentor told me once, the forums are your friend. You can advertise, give updates, show off new designs, hold giveaways, and purchase designs. All these are crucial, and are tactics used by all the top companies. As for designs, if you don't have any photoshop skills, like me, you don’t have to worry. There's a large market of people willing to sell you designs for a fair price. My advice? TAKE IT! A good product will sell itself. Second step: the pricing-unfortunately there is no set price that works, and so you must experiment. As a business owner you have to figure out what sells and what doesn’t, and as a wise man once said "Failure is a form of learning". Next is inventory, which truthfully is quite simple, as you just have to make sure to stock your best sellers. My advice keep 100-200 on the shelves at all times. If something runs low, then remember to re-stock it. Lastly, another key step in the formula of building a top company is fighter sponsorships. My advice is to give out a lot of them, as not only will they create a hype gain, but they will also create loyal buyers for a long time. Don’t be cheap with money either, as my drunken uncle once said “A fig mir ded”. Oops! I mean, "you have to spend money to make money". I hope you have enjoyed this, and if you are considering making a clothing company, go out and do it! You will have a fun time, and if you ever need it, you can always contact me for some help!
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