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Caged fury 2 preview

Event Preview: Divinity- Caged Fury 2
2012-09-07, Hilo, Hayashi's Lounge - Hilo
Author:Aj Henderson

   Samuel Oliveira vs Esteban Silva

In the opening bout of the night we have two of the younger guys in the division lookin to go toe to toe in the divinity cage. In the first fight of the we have a very closely contested battle that seems almost too hard to tell who has the edge. However I think Olivera has a very good chance if he can properly use his Muay thai to his advantage. Since this is such a close bout another factor will be what manager has the ability to win the slider battle one slip up could mean the diffrence between victory and defeat but who can aome out on top either way its a very important win for either of these fighters young careers. Winner Oliveira via Submmission 

Anderson Smilvia vs Rufus Ding 

In the second bout of the night we have two 1-0 fighters looking to give eachother there first defeat but when it comes down to it who will it be. Well one big advantage in this fight is that there is such a age diffrence wich could play part in the physicals but im not sure how much that will matter. However the only thing that rufus has going for him is his wrestling which i mean its great this is MMA you cant just be good at one thing. Now smilva on the other hand has a good chance to finish this fight i believe he is a very talented Muay thai artist and with his skill should not be messed with on the feet. Now the interesting thing is he won his last fight Via submission so what do you do if you Ding i think he will have a tough fight only being a white belt. Winner Via sub smilva 

Kory Jones vs Adam Walsh 

Rolling into the third fight of the night we have your proto typical sprawl and brawl fighter against your sub artist who will it be. Jones is one of the best developing fighters this org has to offer at the age of 18 he has already accumilated a very intimadating brown along with half decent boxing that will only get better with time im sure. His opponent those is a 25 year old bar room brawler and looks to beat some sense into this young teenager but the question is does he have enough wrestling to hold him off long enough to knock him out. The gameplan for both of these fighters are pretty clear however and it is to expose the weakness of eachother and for both of these fighters it is not hard to see their respective weakness. However in the end i do believe that this fight could go either way im gonna have to make a decision and im goin with my boy jones. Jones Via Submission

Laus Pipko vs Xavier Calderon

In the next bout we have a fight that will not take very long i believe. Pipko is comin into this fight off of a very impressive finish and looks to add to it in this  fight. Xavier is coming off a decision win which shows that he can go the distance but unfourtatley in this fight we will likely not see it. Xavier can however take this to clinch which could help him take the boxing game away from Pipko and that would turn the tables completely. The other advantage that Xavier has is his Bjj ability which is a whole belt higher but that advantage will be very hard to impose seeing as he has subpar wrestling. If im pipko in this fight all im worried about doing is finding my distance and jabbing my way home to a knock out if he can do that then it is smooth sailing for him. Pipko Via ko

Ricardo Awa Nevar Fury

Up next we have a great match up that I really think the fans will enjoy being both of these are battle hardened vets in the cage. For starters these guys are coming in with two diffrent styles Wang being the guy that will want to knock you out,and on the other hand you have fury the guy thats looking to take you down and snap your arm off..... so lets take a closer look on whos got the advantage. I think fury is a great fighter but he will have a tough fight if you take a look his wrestling is very sub par which is what he needs to get Awa to the ground and he has no intention on doing so. Awa if he plays his cards right should be able to get the ko all he has to do is catch him a few times and he gets the win just makes sure you sprawl is all and you got the win. Winner Via ko

Mike tyson vs Joe Lack

Now here we go a fight for the fans another bout that should not go to the card. Mike Tyson busted into our cage with the mind set to show us and everyone that he is the best striker in the game but as of lately he has hit a losing skid but that all could change tonight. His opponent lack is no slouch in the boxing department but no one can stand with tyson and go toe to toe boxing and lack is no acception. Lack does hold one vital key and that would be his keen eye for submissions and hes been able to show cae that so far how ever he is on a losing skid himself. The big factor that i am calling out in this fight is whos wrestling will become victorious If Tyson can win the wrestling battle then he can keep it standin and get the ko, but if lack's comes out on top hes gonna keep tyson's arm as a trophy. Winner Tyson Vai Ko

Gheng Feng vs Douglas Dejesus 

In this fight I want to point out the Fengs last fight was well lets say made by his manager who was a co owner and set it up. I had no knowlege of what he was doing untill as of late ,but anyway moving on this fight will be harder and we will seeif he needed to be hand fed like he was before seeing this is a conteneder fight right now if he wins he gets the champ. However Feng comes in with a advantage in the stand up which has prooven difficult against 6 fighters so far seeing as he has knocked them all out. Now Doug has one thing goin for him and thats his bjj but thats all the real test is to see if he can take advantage of that and use it. Winner Feng KO

David Yon Vs Tommy Hearns Co-Main Event

Ladies and gents welcome to the co-main event of the evening. The champion puts his belt on the line once again against a new rival a very very game rival at that. Hearns is been knocking out the challengers like its his job(well in a way it is) but will yon be able to put a stop to his what seems to be unstoppable boxing game. Yon is on a good streak himself but his ways to finsih vary and this could be what brings the belt home to him his wrestling game is what will matter. Yon has a great opurtunity to win if he gets it to the ground being a purple belt his versatility is endless but will it matter can he last long enough to get it to the ground we shall see. Winer hearns ko


Declan McCready vs Brady Harrison Main Event 

its time we have yet another great compeitior to take on our champ McCready needs no introduction we all know him we all love him he is our champ. Harrison though is hes toughest opponent yet being great at nearly every aspect at the game this fight should be interesting but lets take a closer look at what will matter. what will matter i believe is can Harrison make his first submission victory he will need to being up against a much far superior striker who knows its too hard to tell both these fighters could hold the belt for a long time to come we will see. Winner ....... you can wait and see :)


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