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Keith Kenneth Ferkingstad Inks Recording Deal With Universal

Fighter profile of Keith Kenneth Ferkingstad by Freako Wimp

Hey guys, Keith Kenneth here.

After releasing my hit single 'Sweet Patricia' to rave reviews, I've kept my nose to the grindstone. As it's been impossible to get a fight lately, mainly due to Paddy Mcgillicutty having emergency surgery after he started explosively excreting pus from his mangina like some kind of plague volcano, I've focused on my music. Today, I am happy to announce that my first album, "Rear Naked Renegade", has been picked up by a major label. I look forward to share more of my particular brand of outlaw country with my hordes of faithful fans.

I'm not yet ready to release any of my singles, but I'll drop some of the track names as a teaser. Enjoy.

Bungalow Boogaloo

Rather be a Farmer

Paddy's Pus-plagued Pussy

Backroad Blues

Duel at Dawn


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