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Hail to The King! Zai Druggs fights at CMMA 51

Fighter profile of Zai Druggs by Not Barney

The Next In Line - On November 21th in Los Angeles California MMA hosts their 51th event, CMMA 51 - Druggs vs Big Mouth. Reining champ Zai "Doo" Druggs is going to defend his title for the third time against uprising talent Yasha Big Mouth. A 4-0 fighter since he became John Wayne's protegé, it is heard said that the MMA media and the bookies are setting this fight at incredible 50-50 odds.

We managed to sneak a reporter inside TEAM LOBSTER HQ, Barney's Meathouse, and set up an interview with The Doo himself.

  Roger:   Here is Roger from mmaTYCOONESS, your beloved MMATycoon news and podcast! We have a dangerous man as our guest today, the one and only "Doo". Tell me, it's been a long time since your last title bout againts Frankie Fellatio. Why the long wait?

  Zai Druggs :  Thanks for the question, Kleber. You see...

  Roger  :   It's Roger. The...huh... The name is Roger.

  Zai Druggs:   Yes, Douglas, thank you. You see...

  Roger:   ... Are you all right? Who's Douglas?

  Zai Druggs:   I was eating Ice cream with my girlfriend after last fight and I she questioned me about the turtles and plastic straws. "What have we done to Mother Earth?"


  Roge r:  Wai t... What?


 Zai Druggs : And I told  her that A- My mother was not named Earl; and B- I did nothing to her, I had a strong alibi. It took her quite a few hours to make me understand she was talking about WEEEE... HUMAAANITY... *gesturing with hands* MOTHER EARTH.


Roger: What are you even talking about? What is this? Are you recording this? is it a prank?


Zai Druggs: That left me thinking for quite some time, Phill. She is right. We gotta save the whales!


Roger: Are you fucking high for this interview?


 Zai Druggs : Tell me, J onathan, do you think we have robots infiltrated living as humans?


Roger: ... for fuck sake No, we dont have the techn... It's FUCKING ROGER!


El Zoido: That's it, I think we are done here! Let the man do his workout!


And that's it, Folks. Super ass tight secret training sessions leading to this fight! El Zoido was generous enough after this fiasco interview to send us at least some graphic material for the fans. He told us to expect a new entrance song and walk in routine. Something about this night crowning CMMA new King. "All Hail to the King" was his note, with this super awesome pic.
Stay tuned!


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