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GAMMA: Bunt Jernit HOF

Global Association of MMA, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Mentor Guru Corleone

 Managed by Runt. Upon retirement he was ranked #13 among all GAMMA fighters with 204 points and the second highest ranked ever at 135-155lbs behind just Gareth Keenan (272458) who he actually beat in a super fight. A former #2 ranked fighter in the game and the winner of the GAMMA fighter of the year. He had several significant wins over his career besides the mentioned Gareth Keenan, including Jesus Chico Grande, Sala Barbo, x2 Farboleous Ricard, Maxim Jericho. He is also the only fighter to win a title in GAMMA, GAMMA Contenders and also the short lived GAMMA MT. 

  This induction pushes Runt to the 16th position in the all time GAMMA managers list and 11th among active managers. This is also his first fighter to get inducted into our HOF.


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