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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

HFC 52 Review & Awards

Event Review: HFC 52 - Slugs vs Eagle 2
2020-12-19, New York, Empire Indoor Arena
Attendance:14,244, Event Rating:312
Author:Outlaw Bleak

Review is up along with a chance to vote/lobby for the FotN award.  Check it out and make your case for what fight you think deserves FotN honors.

Please do NOT respond to this email for the FotN comments.  Only post those on the forum for disucssion.  Award will be handed out tomorrow (Monday) unless nobody nominates or lobbys for a winner.

Find the review here:



The updated rankings are also a couple of posts higher on the same page if you want to check out where you stand.


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