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GAMMA: Michael Cole HOF induction

Event Preview: GAMMA#883 Damagon v Bolleke
Global Association of MMA
2021-02-27, London, Wombley Arena
Author:Mentor Guru Corleone

 Managed by Rodrigo Rojas, Record inside GAMMA 41-28-1, he is a former 2x GAMMA affiliate champ and 205lbs contender. 

  His 70 fights in GAMMA (many in our affiliates) is joint first all time. He was also the only fighter to spend his whole career in GAMMA upon induction to our HOF.   He had big wins over former champs such as Joosep L�hmus, Matt Quin, Dao Sonnen, Rufus McTearson.    Upon retirement he was ranked as 15th best fighter ever in GAMMA. He did it mostly due to the volume of his fights, although he was a consistent top tier fighter in both 205 and 185lbs during his career, often getting the big wins, but mostly failing to be the very best in the divisions he competed in.   This was the first induction into our HOF for Rodrigo Rojas. With this induction, Rodrigo moved up in the manager rankings from 29th to 22nd greatest manager. 


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