Toivonen drops a shoulder and throws an uppercut that cracks Atunes right on the button. Atunes goes down! Toivonen follows him to the mat and finishes the job with more strikes! Toivonen gets the win via TKO!
Ladies and gentlemen, after 0:47 of round 2, we have a winner by way of TKO (Strikes). Pekka Toivonen!
So, here I am. 36 years old, 50 fights deep into a combat sports career spanning 18 years, two sports, 7 organizations, 25 title fights and 19 world titles. I just headlined one of the biggest PPV events of all time, and I've fought most of the top light heavies and middleweights of 3 generations.
One thing still eludes me, though. The #1 p4p spot and a place in the hall of fame. I have been ranked #2 in the world at several points in my life, but I've never been ranked #1. Even now, the spot is held up by noted massage therapist and recent draw-participant Roli Poli.
Instead of complaining about it, though, I intend to storm the summit and take my throne by force. Even as the referee was pulling me off Atunes' limp body, I was screaming for Chuck to give me a fight with #1 LHW Just Whymer in two weeks. It's the fight every fan wants to see, and it would finally let a real fighter reign on top of the p4p rankings.
See you in two weeks, Whymer. Pekka out.
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