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Donald Trump joins MMA

Fighter profile of Donald Trump by

MMA has had it's fair share of wacky characters who rooted their fight careers in WWE and had cult like fan-bases, but few were also former presidents. 

Introducing "Former President" Donald Trump; an old choice as he's had few fights and they were at WWE but MMA has had WWE fighters do well despite it's reputiation as a fake blood sport.

Who's gonna beat up this Orange?
He's yet to have had a fight in MMA although his next bout wil be against Crazy Legs (an Irish new comer with a record of 0-0-0) at CoMMA Fight Night 4. Both the event and fight will take place on the 31st of May and most veiwers are waiting to see Trump get knocked out by the fist of Crazy Legs but it's MMA so anything could happen.

Fight Tactics

He seems to be a ground game fighter, specialising in wrestling (Proficient (8)) though with a weight of 246 lbs (111kg) and a height of 191 cm (6'3), he seems both too tall and too light to compete with the other ground game heavey weights, who tend to weigh just short of the cap for heavy weight (265lbs or 120 kg) so he better put on some beef on if he wants to match Crazy Legs.

What to Expect

From his only fighting experience being WWE to his weight and height, it's fair to assume that he can't compete when compared to other ground game heavy weights at his rank and will, surely, stay at that rank although the interveiws and excuses for losing should be fun to watch.


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