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The Diesel keeps on Truckin

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 Kranckx Diesel is the current lightweight champion of Highland. After bringing the former title challenger down in the first round due to his heavy hands he now has positioned himself in an mma triangle, its like a love triangle but not. Amway, Diesel who finally redeemed his one loss had just accepted the trilogy bout which takes place on the 20th of June at Hayashis Lounge. I had a moment to sit down with the new lightweight champion and now #7 p4p on the Island and # 5 on Highland. Diesel currently has no sponsors so...Get at him Beachside Supplements. 

​​​​​​​Kranckx Diesel on the beach two days after winning the Title. 


 Q. Kranckx Diesel, the new undisputed, lightweight champion of the world! How does that sound my man?

A: That sounds wrong. I'm not the 'new' champion, I'm also the old champion. I am the first HIghland Champion and I expect to be the last. No offense taken. 

Q. No offense taken, you have regained your title! You got the rematch you have been anxiously awaiting and within moments of the opening round knocked out the only guy to defeat you. What was your game plan going into this one?

A: Yeah, I smacked the guy around a bit but then I got bored and decided to knock him out.   

Q. The knockout honestly looked horrific. We noticed that you looked significantly bigger in muscle, it was rumored you were working out a lot but now we know it. Did you expect to outmuscle your opponent?

A: Some of that is due to the injections I've been given for my asthma. Entirely legal af course. Makes you somewhat crazy too at times.  

Q. Whoa, um...well, Your clinch work striking was literally impeccable tonight. How much work have you put in to enhance that level of your game?

A: Clinching comes naturally to me. Like banging my best friend's girl or taking a dump. It just sort of happens you know.  

Q. Oh I know very well best friend, very well! We definitely want to let you celebrate but we have to know, what's next for the Lightweight title holder, you didn't take a punch in this fight are you ready to get back in there and if so, who makes sense to you now?

A: Well, McGregor apparently promised Green a rematch. I don't realy understand why because the outcome will be pretty much the same. After that I hear a small dude from the 145lbs wants to have a go. I just show up and do my thing. I really don't care who they sent me. 

Q. Just to try to clear this up then, If it came down to it, is it the Green trilogy or Diaz Champ vs Champ fight you would prefer for your first title defense?
A: I really don't mind which one they sent me first. I wouldn't mind if they sent me both at the same time actually.  

Q. We know you already thanked your fans but is there anyone else out there yo want to give a shoutout to?
A: Hey mom and dad, mr Dieselnoi says I almost made enough money to buy you a new trailer! See you soon!


There you have it folks. The Lightweight Challenger is freely welcoming all comers after he has regained his prized beauty. If you are interested in watching him fight, check out the fight on June 20th! 


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